The IMM Job Market is an initiative that aims to match Individual Associates of the Institute and students of the IMM Graduate School with employers who have vacancies in their organisations.
The IMM Graduate School offers qualifications in marketing, supply chain and business, and the IMM Job Market is therefore directed towards vacant positions, internships and graduate programmes offered by organisations in these fields.
To make use of the IMM Job Market platform, you need to be a Corporate or Individual Associate of the Institute of Marketing Management or a current student of the IMM Graduate School. To find out more, visit https://imminstitute.co.za/associateship/
To register to use this platform, please insert your IMM Associate Number or your IMM Student number as your Username.
How does it work?
Corporate Associates will be able to post relevant vacancies in their respective organisations on our website, and Individual Associates and current students of the IMM Graduate School can then view and apply for these positions. Once applicants select a vacancy, they will be redirected to the company website where the vacancy is presented and then it follows the usual recruitment process.
What does it cost?
As a Corporate Associate, Individual Associate or IMM Graduate School student, it will cost you absolutely nothing to either load your CV or post a vacancy for your organisation. It is a complimentary service that we offer our stakeholders, in the spirit of ‘paying it forward’ and assisting our Associates to either find first-time employment or promotion opportunities.
Who can use this portal?
Corporate Associates and Individual Associates of the Institute of Marketing Management, as well as current IMM Graduate School students.
How do I load a CV or post a vacancy, internship or graduate programme opportunity?
Job seekers:
Register and login as a candidate using your IMM Institute Associate Number or IMM Graduate School Student Number. Once logged in, navigate to the ‘Candidate Panel’ page, under ‘My Resume’, fill in the required fields and click ‘update’ to finalise your Resume.
Register and login as an Employer using your Institute of Marketing Management Associate Number. Once logged in, navigate to the ‘Employer Panel’, under ‘Post a Job’, fill in the required fields and click on ‘Preview’ then click on ‘Publish’ to finalise the Job listing.